The North Dakota State Library publishes three newsletters.
Flickertale - The North Dakota State Library newsletter for the library community (weekly electronic issues).
Connections - The North Dakota State Library newsletter for state employees and the public (12 electronic issues/year).
Discovery - A newsletter of the North Dakota State Library Talking Book program (2-3 electronic issues/year).
Not receiving newsletters? Stay up-to-date about services and programs available by having these newsletters delivered to you via e-mail as soon as they are published by submitting the e-Newsletter Form.
All archived issues of the newsletters can be found in the links below.
Assistance Request - ND librarians can use this form to request assistance in various library areas
e-Newsletter Delivery - stay up-to-date about services and programs by signing up for our e-newsletters
Final Grant Report SFN 59256 - libraries will use this form for the final report of their awarded grant
Grant Amendment Request SFN 62354 - libraries will use this form to amend their current awarded grant
Grant Reimbursement Request SFN 54009 - libraries will use this form to request reimbursement of their awarded grant
Interlibrary Loan Request - ND residents can request materials
Interlibrary Loan Request SFN 62449 - ND residents can use this form to request materials
Library Card Application - ND residents can sign up for a State Library card
Library Card Application SFN 17340 - ND residents can use this form to request a State Library card
Public Library Website Design Application SFN 60412 - ND public libraries can use this form to apply for a basic website for your library.
Reference Request - ND residents can use this form to request reference help
Summer Reading Manual Order - ND librarians can request the CSLP summer reading manual
Talking Book Application Form - ND residents who are unable to read standard print materials because of a visual, physical, or reading disability can use this form to apply for the Talking Book Program
Talking Book Magazine Order Form - Talking Book patrons can use this form to order magazines.
Update Your Library Card Information - NDSL card holders can use this form for changes to your library card